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CLICK for this month's BIG night sky ...




Cardinal SAT


MOBILE DEVICE? Turn sideways. Weather conditions directly above are near Lakefront. Top tabs refer to O'Hare (official).

Archives for the SPC Convective Outlook are updated daily (approximately) with a live map at the beginning of each article. Follow the link at the end of the article to check for current updates on the NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center website. Also, see Archives for Chicago's hourly weather data on CARDINAL NEWS Magazine.


Thursday, August 4, 2022

SPC Aug 4, 2022 0730 UTC Day 3 Severe Thunderstorm Outlook

SPC 0730Z Day 3 Outlook Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0228 AM CDT Thu Aug 04 2022 Valid 061200Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ROUGHLY FROM NORTHEAST NEBRASKA INTO WESTERN WISCONSIN... ...SUMMARY... A few strong to severe storms may affects parts of the northern Plains to upper Mississippi Valley Saturday afternoon and evening. ...Discussion... A band of moderate midlevel southwesterlies will stretch from the northern Rockies across the Dakotas and MN as a shortwave trough moves east across MT late in the period. At the surface, high pressure will be centered over southern MB into western ON, with a front extending from a weak low in southern NE northeastward into IA and southern MN by late afternoon. Dewpoints in the 60s will be common near this front, resulting in moderate instability. This boundary will push north as a warm front over parts of MN and WI Saturday night, as 850 mb winds increase to 30 kt. Wind profiles will favor clusters of storms with locally strong winds or short-lived hail cores as deep-shear will be largely parallel to the front. Convection may be ongoing relatively early north of the boundary, becoming stronger into the diurnal heating maximum and persisting during the evening as the low-level jet increases. ..Jewell.. 08/04/2022 Read more CHECK UPDATE ZOOM GRAPHIC
SUNRISE AND SUNSET TIMES IN UTC (if you're not logged in to Google)
CHICAGO UTC-6 during CST (Central Standard Time, e.g., winter)
CHICAGO UTC-5 during CDT (Daylight Savings Time, e.g., summer)